Has the Apocalypse Arrived?
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
Who would abandon a BMW in the middle of a park? Have aliens arrived? Is the destruction of the world underway? Where are the Zombies?
I found this vehicle on a recent walk near my home. It had me ruminating on what happened to the occupants and my creative imagination conjured up all kinds of possibilities.
Isn't this what we do; believe our musings as fact? I've often written and spoken about the danger of assumptions. In my book compilation, From Us For You: Inspiring Stories of Healing, Growth and Transformation, I present 25 women the opportunity to share authentically about a time in their lives or a journey they took that many, if not all readers, would not or did not know.
In the preface of that book I refer to these stories as a gift from the writer to the reader because the author shares lessons learned and gives encouragement and hope to others. However those who take the time to read those experiences offer a reciprocal gift back to the chapter writers—a gift of their time and, most importantly, the act of wanting to learn more about these women.
So often we do not listen, instead we commonly assume. It is so human. Yet it's funny how when we actually stop and engage with the intent of hearing, the truth proves our assumptions to have been incorrect.
Following this assumption theme for a while now, my latest story demonstrates the judgements we make upon others simply because we don't understand their circumstance.
The Awake As A Stranger trilogy (Awakening-Part 1, Rebellion-Part 2, Altercation-Part 3) follows Treaz Popa and Omani LaZarres. In the very first chapter, Treaz wakes up living inside of a stranger's body and in a completely different state.
How disorienting it would feel to be literally "walking in another person's shoes." We would figure out fairly quickly what that particular human's existence was truly like—good and bad.
Six thousand miles away on a remote Swiss compound, Omani is kept against her will by her uncle. Both Treaz and Omani are trapped in deplorable realities. As they struggle to gain a semblance of control they discover their need for each other, a few unlikely comrades, and plenty of stamina to win freedom for themselves and those they care about.
Their assumptions are inaccurate again and again. Treaz and Omani are a lot like us.
We see a situation, a facial expression, an action, and form opinions about that individual but perspective is almost guaranteed to be different from reality. All of us have experienced the shock of finding out a seemingly healthy, happy person is suffering beyond our comprehension. Perhaps we witness impatience and misjudge it as rudeness rather than recognizing grief or illness. Inevitably I stand in the grocery store line behind an elderly couple and must wipe away tears. Why? Because of an overwhelming feeling of missing my beloved and deceased parents. Unless I give an explanation, I can only imagine the erroneous beliefs others may fictionalize about my behavior.
While watching the Phoenix Suns battle things out during the 2021 NBA finals, I couldn't help but join in with the plethora of fans in the sports bar when a player got fouled. "Ouch" or “No way,” I exclaimed along with everyone else. Yet when the multiple replays were displayed each from a distinctive angle, things often were remarkably different. What from one camera showed as a mild elbow brush to the face, another reflected a violent jab resulting in a broken nose. It precisely depends on what viewpoint you were embracing!
Assumptions are powerful and usually just plain wrong.
So is the apocalypse really here? Have the aliens arrived? Is the destruction of the world underway? Where are the Zombies?
Here is the actual photograph that I took on my walk in the park.
If you are interested in the trilogy, go to Awake As A Stranger.
Go here to find From Us For You: Inspiring Stories of Healing, Growth and Transformation.
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Find details about my books at dianedresback.com and my filmmaking at mindclover.com.