Beauty in Motion

Kindness feeds your heart nourishment. Intentional graciousness communicates through our touch, our words, our actions, and our smile

A gentle arm about a shoulder. Safety ensured by holding a child’s hand. Embracing just a few moments longer than expected. A pat on the back, stroke of the hair, the caress of a cheek. 

The gift of listening. Consoling another. Being there—in silence, imbuing comfort. Storytelling for compassion, connectedness, inspiration. Simple politeness. Sharing giggles and deep belly-laughs. Providing encouragement. Verbal thanks, appreciation, and recognition. Words brimming with affirmation and beliefs of possibility. 

Unselfish acts of grace and service. Surprises of garden flowers. Basic courtesies with doors, tires, and errands. Philanthropy. Warmth initiated through befriending. Sharing of time, skills, passion. 

A smile—simple and free. Offered to a stranger, a waitress, a store clerk, a neighbor, a child, a coworker, a teacher, a friend. Smiles visibly exposing the love and gratitude residing in our hearts.  

No matter if intentional acts of kindness remain anonymous or are celebrated. Behaviors simple or complex. Widely-shared or only for one. All are actually something more than just kindness—they are beautiful. True beauty in motion.

I discovered an organization whose sole purpose is to promote kindness. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website contains literally hundreds of ideas, plenty of quotes, and heart-warming stories from across the world. 

Today and everyday, may we all choose to be just a little bit kinder towards those sharing this world with us. 

Kindness—What a beautiful thing.

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The Irritation Bandwagon


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