Did I Really Say Never?
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
“I’ll never leave Arizona.”
“I would never live in a small town.”
“I could never write a novel.”
Yes, I admit all those words have fallen from my lips many times over the years. However, over the past 20 months, I have learned a very important lesson — never say ‘Never’ or at least redefine the meaning. Honestly, none of us can predict the future, nor should we want to. What would the fun be in doing that?
Much of the adventure in life is actually the joy of discovery and doing new things. If we close ourselves off from engaging in fresh experiences, think of how much we would miss out on.
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
It takes courage to step out and try new things. But, I have always believed that unless we push ourselves to stretch...we will shrink. Is it always comfortable? No. Is it always filled with utter joy? No. Is it challenging? Most definitely.
The reward being when we reach the other side, we realize all kinds of things including learning some valuable lessons. For example, things that happened that we liked or disliked. People we have met who were one-time acquaintances and others who will develop into long-term friendships. Situations and experiences that we will never forget and maybe a few we can’t wait to. Ultimately, we are smarter coming out than going in.
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
My husband jokes that we will definitely not miss Cotulla. The small town in south Texas where we will have lived for almost 2 years by the time we move away this October. True, there are many things I will not miss — the poor selection of good restaurants, no decent grocery store, no movie theatre (thank goodness for Red Box, even though it doesn’t work in the rain), the lack of people contact, and the absolute frustration of sporadic and slower-than-molasses internet.
But doing an honest evaluation shows that there will be some things I will miss! Living a half mile from anything provides a quiet atmosphere with few distractions making focusing on projects easier. Living in the midst of a field provides mesquite trees, wildflowers and wild animals to be regular scenes from our windows not to mention the beautiful sunsets. The gravel road may be hard to exercise on but provides more interesting images than walking on busy streets. Getting to see my husband a few days a week when he comes home for lunch and seeing him every night (he will travel in his new position). And, for our many weekend adventures exploring other interesting towns and cities in Texas (Priceline will miss us).
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
There are times when we all make decisions to do something as a means to an end. That is how we viewed this temporary move to Cotulla. We knew it would not be forever but instead could be a real boost for Rick’s career. And it gave me a good excuse to try my hand at book writing as well. Did it pay off? Yes!
In mid-October, we will be moving to Austin, Texas. Rick will begin a new position with his company which will expand his role and influence. For me, my intentions are to continue with my writing and also work my way back into filmmaking. Austin has a big independent film community and I’m looking forward to new projects and meeting many like-minded people.
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
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Find details about my books at dianedresback.com and my filmmaking at mindclover.com.