Reversing Perspective
Photo by Diane M. Dresback
Today, I decided to take my regular walk entirely reverse. Not literally walking backwards as that would have proven quite dangerous! But for the typical route, I walked in the opposite direction.
I selected appropriate music, slipped on my headphones, and assigned myself a topic to tackle. As on most days, I returned home drenched in sweat and with clarity about an idea.
The necessary tools included sunscreen, sunglasses, and water. Plus my iPhone -- a little miracle device playing a vital role in a successful and fulfilling journey as it provides music, a camera, a watch, a step-counter, and a place to record ideas.
Our Austin apartments provide beautiful tree-lined trails and a nearby small lake. Glimpses of wildflowers, deer, turtles, cardinals, blue jays, butterflies, dragonflies, squirrels, and dogs are the norm. Other people run or walk for health, entertainment, or to escape the office. I try to smile at whomever passes because...well, it feels good both giving and receiving. Not everyone responds and admittedly, sometimes I become lost in thought and miss a few opportunities!
Enough about my walking life.
Readers of my blogs know I'm varied with topics as they emerge when inspiration strikes. Well, on this reverse perspective walk, the thoughts flooded into my mind! All centered on one intriguing question.
What would happen if we changed just ONE WORD in what we normally say to ourself and others?
Instead of saying...I do not have enough _____ (time, resources, patience, or fill in the blank).
Drop one word...I do have enough _____ (time, resources, patience, or fill in the blank).
Instead of saying...I am not a ______(creative, capable, dedicated, good enough, or fill in the blank) person.
Drop one word...I am a ______(creative, capable, dedicated, good enough, or fill in the blank) person.
Developing the habit of such a simple alteration can create incredible results. This isn't simply positive thinking. When we begin speaking how we want to be, our mind begins accepting it and we're able to make different decisions. If stated that you don't have enough motivation, then you don't. But in believing you do have enough motivation, what new actions can be taken to support your belief?
This known analogy bears repeating in this case. On an airplane flight, if the pilot changes the course by only one degree, we end up landing at a completely different destination than expected.
When you believe something different, you'll have the opportunity of having different results.
So start walking backwards and discover a new perspective!
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