Time and Energy - Choose Wisely
Photo by Diane M. Dresback - South Carolina
Back in high school, we used to think our teachers in their late-thirties border-lined ancient! How naive. As time plods on, my parents words return to me, “Life is so short.” I’ll be darned if they weren’t right! It’s so clear now.
Oh, how I wish I had more time…alas, I do not and neither do you. Time trudges forward whether you admit it or not. Without a clue of how long we get to stay on this earth, it becomes all the more crucial to live life fully and embrace what is important to us.
Although I’m not a cat owner, I know many who love their furry friends. Two felines recently reminded me of how we often restrict our own lives.
Ron Burgandy
Ron Burgandy - named after Will Ferrell’s character in Anchorman...note the red mustache! Within an hour of my friend adopting and bringing Ron home, he disappeared for several hours. Everyone searched and searched but could not locate him. I finally found him in a closet hunkered down behind a dense rack of clothing. Ron was in a new environment and likely on overload with new people stimulation.
Arigato - meaning “thank you” in Japanese. Ari began as a foster kitten that turned into an adoption by my son and his wife. But Ari still feels anxious with additional people in the house. One time we had to hunt for him as well and eventually found Ari squeezed into the tiniest space on the underside of a pullout sofa.
Don’t we sometimes run and hide rather than push through the discomfort, uncertainty, and intimidation of being around new people or unknown circumstances?
How often do we feel safer remaining tucked inside our own little box with our own snug routine and our own controlled space?
Last fall I spent a week working in a sun room at Ari’s house. While writing, I witnessed two extremely busy squirrels spending most of their day preparing for their future. They scampered across the fence top past my window every few minutes carrying mouthfuls of nuts to a hidden stash. They remained focused on a very definite purpose and exhibited such drive to accomplish their goal — eating this winter. If we might all be so centered on what’s most paramount to us.
With the brevity of life, we don’t always have the luxury of waiting around for things to happen, for the perfect opportunity to present itself, or allowing ourselves to become complacent. Taking risks and making intentional changes becomes critical for living our short lives.
A few thoughts: Move away from the big screen television, the computer, the game console. Don’t let life be driven by social media. Learn a new skill or volunteer for a cause. Pursue the first and second and third steps towards a passion. Nurture rewarding and productive relationships. Go for what might seem just beyond reach and see what can result. OR, YOU fill in the blank _________!
We can’t slow down the clock, but we can decide how and where to expend our time and energy. Let us choose wisely!
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